Nội dung chính

“Flow” is the title of the exhibition by the family of artists Lợi Hoan Trang and Nguyễn Lệ Dung. The displayed artworks are diverse in materials, ranging from lacquer, oil paint, and silk to watercolor sketches. True to its name, the exhibition represents the continuation from one generation to the next in the artist family, a flow of passion and love for painting. The artworks are divided into two sections: one featuring straightforward, familiar views of life’s surrounding themes through landscape, human, and still life paintings by Lợi Hoan Trang, Nguyễn Lệ Dung, and Lợi Hồng Ly; the other showcasing symbolic, philosophical works by Lợi Hồng Diệp.


The exhibition serves as a tribute to the late artist Lợi Hoan Trang, the husband and father of the family, who was a lecturer at the Vietnam University of Fine Arts and the Ho Chi Minh City University of Fine Arts. Lợi Hoan Trang was trained in the Soviet Union for 10 years, specializing in monumental ceramic mosaics. He authored many large-scale works at major venues such as the Trưng Vương Theater in Da Nang, the Song Da Hydropower Plant, and some private architecture in Taiwan. The exhibition features more than 10 of his works; besides three paintings from the 1960s, the rest were created between 1996 and 2016. The highlight is a large lacquer painting titled “Ha Long Bay,” depicting the poetic beauty of islands and boats against a traditional lacquer background.


Artist Nguyễn Lệ Dung (also a lecturer at the Vietnam University of Fine Arts and the Ho Chi Minh City University of Fine Arts) has the largest number of paintings in the exhibition, with 35 pieces. Her work explores beauty in the simplicity of life with a sincere perspective and bold, vigorous strokes. Her paintings capture heartfelt scenes of rural landscapes, street corners, homes, trees, still life spaces, and family portraits, all exuding love and affection. Her oil and lacquer paintings evoke strong emotions, while her silk paintings feature a restrained palette, using light and dark contrasts to create a feminine, dynamic beauty between empty and filled spaces.


With familiar themes and a relaxed style, Lợi Hồng Ly’s paintings convey a monochromatic tendency, creating a light and romantic feel for viewers. Her works are like smooth, poetic verses, realistic yet dreamy.


Contrasting with other family members, Lợi Hồng Diệp’s paintings are contemplative and philosophical about human nature, employing symbolic, implicit, and multi-layered styles. Her works challenge and stimulate viewers’ curiosity and imagination.


The 89 works in the exhibition connect the spirit across generations, from the founding artists Lợi Hoan Trang and Nguyễn Lệ Dung to the second generation, Lợi Hồng Diệp and Lợi Hồng Ly. Although some family members have passed away or no longer live under the same roof, the strong bond remains evident in their artistic home.

LỢI HOAN TRANG – Phố Nguyễn Du (Bình Thạnh). 2011. Oil on canvas. 90x120cm

NGUYỄN LỆ DUNG – Xóm nhỏ bên bờ Nhật Lệ. 2001. Silk. 56x118cm

NGUYỄN LỆ DUNG – Em Lan. 2008. Lacquer. 80x60cm

LỢI HỒNG DIỆP – Định mệnh. 2006. Oil on canvas. 135x115cm